The Gallery
Past Reunions
2001 (Anniversary Ball)
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Click here for the Guest List (page 1)
The ticket said '8 'til late,' but several people had arrived early - greeted at the door by Carole Arnold (WC Association Secretary and Ball organiser) and a brace of security men. The gym had been transformed into a marquee, with a bar at one end and an L-shaped stage at the other for the 2 bands and disco. It was a relief to see an array of electric guitars and Marshall amps, rather than trombones and violins! The Eastern Daily Press Society Page hackette (brusque Goldie Hawn look-alike) took dozens of group photos while muttering names into a tape recorder. The pick of the bunch will appear in the December issue of the EDP Norfolk Magazine (that's me out - Ed.)
Seating was arranged 10 or so to a table, grouped by date of entry to the College. Lists of all the attendees were on each table (copies of the list + menu will appear on this page later). Almost a third of the 200 or so attendees were parents, staff and their guests, and the bulk of the remainder were 70's starters. The guess is that many had opted for the Dinner in July - bad choice folks! The bands played their first sets to an empty dance floor, as guests were too busy greeting, chatting and downing the first batch of drinks. This the Emma Hall Band (from Lowestoft).
Several photos were on display in a side area, a number of which were taken by James Gathercole (late 50s/early 60s and a brilliant hurdler). His pics of pipe-smoking boys on walks contrasted nicely with the more formal whole-school panoramic shots. Here we have Margot Morton (Stone), Louise Martin, Morag Ward (Muir) and Rod Donmall Closely followed by Bill (Herb) Atkins (get a haircut -Ed.), Sue Baxter (Muir), Louise Martin and Colin Leaford.
Food was duly served - an excellent cold buffet. The bands played on, at such volume that conversations had to be conducted by shouting and the passing of notes. Fine music though; Pink Floyd's 'Brick in the Wall' especially, played by Instinct of Oxford, whose complement included past student Grant Richardson (85-92).
A post-prandial 50s/60s table at 1153: Maggie Amberton, Philip Wade, Carole Arnold (sorry Carole), Anthony Thomas, Lt Col Jack (John) Amberton, Alan Bridges, Richard Grint, Don Amberton. All still presentable ......
.... but, as midnight passed, the alcohol kicked in, the bands cranked up, ties and jackets were discarded, those that could danced, and the Ball became a PARTY. The haze is due an over-active smoke machine on stage. Several photos had to be junked because the flash gun reflection caused an opaque effect. Damn!
Great voice; Janis Joplin meets Dusty Springfield ..... let's boogie ... Somewhere in the crush (below) are Norman Lamb (one of our 2 ex-pupil MPs) and College Head Victoria Musgrave.
Jerry Linden-Ball and Morag Ward (Muir) wield the proverbial Wicked Wellie with two 'Instinct' band members egging them on.
More of the band below left. Over to the right we see Barry Hipwell giving Ali Hipwell a hand.
Finally, it's a clutch of Yahoo Exwymondhamcollege Clubbers! Dave Griffiths, Morag Ward (Muir), Louise Martin, Jeremy Linden-Ball, Margot Morton (Stone) ... and the camera driver. And so we all went our separate ways. A truly First Class event for which we must thank the College for hosting and Carole Arnold for organising. Can we do it again please? Soon?
Wymondham College Remembered - you know it makes sense