There were several caricatures included in the College magazine over the years and the 'victims' were not always identifiable! If you know the subjects, please get in touch.
There was some speculation about the artist(s):
Artist for the first five MIGHT be George Taylor. George was a superb artist & had a lot to do with the production of the College Magazine, but I suggest that you get other opinions before attributing credit. - Gary Johnson
The caricatures of Andrew Seeley & Barry McBeath are certainly by George Taylor. If you look at some school mags between 1977-84 you will see his contributions in the same style often with his GT moniker. If you're in doubt, ask Chedge. - Simon Scott (1977-1984 Peel/Kett/Lincoln)
It's nice to be right now and again. The reason that I was unsure about whether or not it was George was because I couldn't find the GT moniker anywhere on the pics on the website. George also got a commission to re-paint a pub sign in Wymondham, apparently he did a really nice job of it but over a period of time it failed because he didn't use the correct timber as a base. Great artist though. - Gary Johnson
An address was found eventually for David Chedgey and, in response to 'the question' .....
Hi Bill .... yes I have visited the site and yes I did all the caricatures therein. - Chedgey
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Wymondham College Remembered