1. Cheers! WTJ Lawrence, Paul D. Clarke,
Robin Jackson, Chris Smith and David Cole in a side-room study. |
2. Still life. An RGD portable radio, 4oz
tin of Nescafe, pint of milk, possibly Horlicks at the back, tie from
Bonds of Norwich ... and a slide-rule. |
3. Paul D. Clarke tucked up in bed. |
Laurie making toast on an incandescent
electric ring, with mixed results. The others are Paul D. Clarke, Robin
Jackson and David Cole. |
5. Brewing up in a side-room. The Sunday
Times Magazine first appeared in February 1962. Wasn't the the object in
front of the ring used for glazing photographic prints? |
6. WTJ Lawrence in a side-room study. The
horizontal photographer is Paul D. Clarke. |
7. Wall art. |
8. Robin Jackson. |
9. Chris Smith and Arthur 'Charlie' Palmer.
The headlines are Rail Cuts Threaten London Terminal and
Nurses Claim May go to Arbitration. |
10. Chris and Charlie again. |
11. David Cole, Robin Jackson, Laurie and
Paul D. Clarke. The milk is in one of the third-pint bottles that
(only Juniors?) were issued with at morning break. |
12. David Cole, Robin Jackson and Laurie. |
13. Robin Jackson, Laurie, Chris Smith, Paul
D. Clarke and David Cole. |
14. Chris Morris, NK, Charlie Palmer and
Terry Scott - photo taken in 1961/62. |
15. Paul caught by surprise. |
16. Laurie bored with prep. |
17. A study - with one of the standard-issue
chests of drawers. |
18. Paul taping some records. |
19. Chris' desk .... |
20. ... and the man himself working hard. |
21. Ken Coulter and Laurie. |
22. Paul's holding a Penguin edition of
The Bell by Iris Murdoch. |
23. Life in the huts can have a strange
effect ...... |
24. .... on people. |
25. Charlie Palmer, Mr Steve Wood (Annexe
Housemaster) and Chris Smith. |
26. David Cole, Laurie and ? |
27. Ken Coulter. |
28. Robin Jackson. |
29. Chris and Gillian Corser. |
30. Michael 'Herb' Amis - in November 1963. |
31. Robin's inspecting for damage - perhaps
after the Saturday dance! |
32. Peter Jermy. |
33. David Cole. |
34. Laurie. |
35. Paul D. Clarke. |
36. Chris Smith. |