Break Time Summer 1981
On the heating pipes close to New Hall; Debbie Andrews, Denise Ramsay and Debbie Sparkes
Denise Williams, Debbie Andrews and Debbie Sparkes
Debbie Sparkes, Debbie Andrews and Susan Wood; revising for 'O' Levels outside the swimming pool
Back: Denise Williams, Clare Pulford, Rachel Blake, Karen Tosh, Sue Kiddell, Gabrielle Signey
Front: Sarah Warrington and Catherine YoungsTracey Tann and Denise Ramsay in the queue for the 816 service bus. These were both taken on our last Saturday morning before 'O' Levels - known as 'Bad Taste Day.'
We didn't normally look like this!Denise McGee (Williams)
Contents The Gallery Break Time Summer 1981