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Now that the web site has plenty of spare room, the time's right to include some rather more lengthy items - our diaries (or rather extracts of). To start us off, Liz Everitt has painstakingly transcribed and edited most of her diary for 1967 and we're very grateful for her permission to publish it. Text in square brackets has been added after the event, by way of explanation. If/when we get more contributions, the diaries will be put on sub-pages, but for the time being it's all here.
Monday January 9th
Back to school. – Ugh!!! New girl in form [4B] seems nice. Derek [Watling] has mod haircut. Everyone gone Monkee mad. Revised Bio. In same dorm.
Thursday January 12th
Had Mr King in maths exam – poor Annette!!!!! [Wellen] had nose bleed in exam.
Saturday January 14th
Laura [Helm] smoked last night Ugh! I soaked my pillow in "o-de-colone" Film was horribly great – "The Damned Village" [Village of the Damned? - Ed.]
Sunday January 15th
Welsh preacher in chapel. Laura etc. done witching in the 4 dorm, Lindsey [Rockingham] came in the 8 dorm so we had the radio to send us to sleep while she gushed to Pauline [Thurston?]
Monday January 16th
History exam back, had "Very poor indeed" on it – Oh dear! Done some more witching 4-6. Gwenda [Warne] made queer noises in prayers!
Wednesday January 18th
Had a new RE master – quite nice really – very young – sounds like he is straight from Oxford. Needlework exam Ugh had to do a gathered dart!
Monday January 23rd
Got needlework practical back- Ugh! Ted on prep as usual.
Tuesday January 24th
Got a heavy cold. Got parcel from Mum: Ritz, crab paste etc Mmm! Had Art, Arcy [Johnson] said it was good - Joke! Wearing Pauline’s blue dress for the dance.
Thursday January 26th
Betts in 513 [5B? - Ed.] wants to go with me. Joke! He sent me his love!! Sent laundry. Got a thing from Vauxhaull motors – something Ellis & the Salisbury lot sent for. Laura, Pat and Net got one as well.
Friday January 27th
Anthea had the window open last night. I froze and swore at her.
Sunday January 29th
Sermon went on for eons, it was the welsh chap again.
Monday January 30th
Pat [Sparkes] nearly goes with Webb.
Tuesday January 31st
Pat goes with Webb. My cold ran all through the day – took 8 hankies. Ugh! Sniff!
Thursday February 2nd
Went on a run – had numbers, started as 24 – got to16. Quite good really! Jane [?] put us in the landing from 20 past 9 till half past 10 - Ugh old bag!
Friday February 3rd
Ugh! Froggy [Garrard] yelled ‘cos me and Pat were late. Ellis & Roly pinched our seat. Annette went to the bog after each lesson almost.
Saturday February 4th
Little Corrigan wants to go with me – he’s nice but – Film, Ice Cold in Alex quite good. Went on exeat to Attleborough. Bought the Stone’s record Ruby Tuesday. We went by bus and walked back. Saw Monkees L.P. in a shop, it looked fab. In Physics Mr. Hibbert made people’s hair stand on end.
Sunday February 5th
Mabel got seven shillings worth of Cathy’s tuck. Pat’s Tim got de-banded, gated and 4 of the best for smoking.
Tuesday February 7th
Went to confirmation classes Had interview with Mr Henharan.
Wednesday February 8th
Lent. Gave up all suppers but fruit. Had fire alarm. Had banana for supper. Pat gave up bread & we had bread and butter pudding for dinner.
Thursday February 9th
We had a nice skivy gym lesson – helped Ted [Herrington?] to redo-up the hockey sticks.
Wednesday February 15th
In French detention which Mr Brand took. He must get fed up with me!
Friday February 17th
Have decided to go to the dance and wear long white socks.
Saturday February 18th
Dance. Tiny [Johnson] sent Pat a drink. Frankie bought me one.
Sunday February 19th
Laura got caught skiving walks but Morag was too thick to get the rest of them or punish her.
Wednesday February22nd
Went to careers meeting with Miss King, she tried to dispersuade me against animals. Jane goes with Sewell.
Thursday February 23rd
Had students for PE, a Miss Smith in gym – quite nice.
Friday February 24th
Had National dancing in PE. With Miss Bustle
Saturday February 25th
Exeats to Wymondham. Went home with Gwenda [Warne]. Listened to records and had shandy and food. Saw her brother and cat. Nice house she has.
Sunday February 26th
Ate cheese. Saw Wendy’s dog – corgi. [?]
Wednesday March 1st
I wanted to be in detention as Derek was, but Miss Batty didn’t put me in - blast her!
Thursday March 2nd
My essay is going in the competition. Also Pat and Gomeche.
Sunday March12th
Went to communion with Pat and Maggie [Johnson] Skived with Pat behind Pauline’s bed – not caught. Had music contest in sport’s hall. Durham won. Norwich and Gloucester were best – had group – fab!
Wednesday March 15th
Sports day. House party – had a few dances with Dib Green – quite nice really.
[Re Green's nickname of 'Dib' - there was a teacher, Mr Ted Herrington who was known as either 'Dibble' or 'Green' (from him saying 'I'm not GREEN you know). Seems that the association between 'Green' and Dibble' resulted in this other chap's nickname. There! - Ed.]
Wednesday April 26th
Had rotten chemy test. Mr Fairhurst was so damn insulting I could have swung at him. I am definitely not taking "A" courses next year. Annette likes Atkins CGS.
Thursday April 27th
MR Marney was very sarcy to Pat and Tim. Pat and I won Janet [Dove] and Joyce [Dalrymple?] 6-0 in doubles – No-one knows quite how. 4X people had French oral in rec room.
Monday May 1st
Hilda [Hawkyard] called me scatty. Mr Hibbert made us sit in silence for one and a quarter hours for disturbing his 6th formers when we had English. Someone else had complained as well.
Tuesday May 2nd
No records at rec room ‘cos thieving.
Wednesday May 3rd
Not sure why I can’t understand that Chemy. Mr Fairhurst yelled.
Thursday May 4th
Had dancing lessons to Bab’s [Ockmore] radio by Linsey, after lights out. Moving furniture 16 – 18 for Ken.
Friday May 5th
Had more dancing lessons. Had Chemy Ugh!
Saturday May 6th
Exeats cancelled, swimming gala. Dance – ok, sort of got off with Shepard Blast.
Tuesday May 9th
Ellis wants me and Net [Wellen] to play him and Shepard at tennis on Saturday.
Wednesday May 10th
Laura likes T. Melvin. Used iron-on vilene in needlework.
Thursday May 11th
Revolting thunderstorm in night. We saw it coming and I thought it was gorgeous but Cathy [Grey?] got scared & we had to have the blasted light on for hours. Pat started revising. Hot – phew!! Blazers off for the first time this term.
Saturday May 13th
Utopia draw – 4030 [?] Pat put HP in tea and drank it!! Mary [Stollard?] gated for skiving games. Babs, Cathy, Laura & Shelagh [Ferguson?] gated for skiving games.
Sunday May 14th
Lincoln Ralphs preached in chapel. Cat came in & Ken [Bowman] took it out at arm’s length.
Wednesday May 17th
Started GCE papers in Maths – can’t do a thing. Laura goes with Tommy. Read poems for speech competition. Annette [Collins] and Bowerin went forward.
Thursday May 18th
Note: On Tuesday 10th May Julia ran away from annex – very well planned! Got home! NO punishment funny! On Wednesday Melita &Jackie ran to Dereham, panic stations but back by breakfast. We all got a warning about how stupid it is to run away.
Monday May22nd
Had speech competition. Penny Jacob 5A won, beat old Sandra Hathway – good!
Tuesday May 23rd
Sandra Claxton lives near Doreen [Tipple]
Wednesday May 24th
I hate Mr Fairhurst, he was so damned nasty I could have scratched his eyes out. I have run out of toothpaste & spot stuff. Stinking RE prep. I’m hungry. (Not the best of days!)
Thursday May 25th
I had to give Babs [Ockmore] her record token tonight. She burst out crying – Ugh! She leaves tomorrow.
Wednesday May 31st
Some stupid juniors put shoe white on everyone's school shoes – very funny.
Thursday June 1st
Tennis in games. Forgot my glasses but played quite well!!! In History Mr Wilson had to keep stopping in mid sentence and say, "Wake up!" I am wearing a pink dress and boa for the dance.
Sunday June 4th
British Museum. Humph sat opposite me and Anthea, Gungy in front. Museum v. good, had sound guides to Ensign [!] Marbles. Hatfield House fab – love to live there. One and a half hours late back.
Wednesday June 7th
Washed hair after lights out. Ruth came in but ok ‘cos she only wanted to borrow Cathy’s "Fab" [a magazine]. Humph’s middle name is Charles – I think! Am wearing Janet’s brown sandals to the dance.
Thursday June 8th
Miss Parr on duty – Jumping on beds – Pauline’s wood bust.
Friday June 9th
Gungy is supposed to like me – what next!
Saturday June 10th
At dance got Humph for ladies choice then waited for ages, just in case – at the last dance stupid old me danced with Chaplin in the end.
Monday June 12th
New houses are going to be called Wakefield and Wellington.
Thursday June 15th
In games Mrs Herrington said that my backhand was a good stroke – if I used it properly. – Cheek!!
Saturday June 17th
Messed about in Physics- Phlo mad. Am going to buy a cricket photo for 4 shillings.
Sunday June 18th
Bishop of Thetford preached in chapel. Helen (Durham), Pat&me went into a field to skive most of walks.
Monday June 19th
Jane finished exams so we can make a row at night now!!
Tuesday June 20th
On rec room duty with Linsey. 6th formers chatted up Mrs Pooley – laugh!!!! Ellis sent to Muz twice in one morning – English and Bio. Got slippered both times.
Wednesday June 21st
Art exhibition in 22 – Ugh it’s all spazy. Laura chucked Tommy.
Friday June 23rd
Got Humph’s rough book from Janet Farr. He used to like Judy Sweeny but as she goes with somebody I think he likes Caroline Shanks - blast it all!
Saturday June 24th
I have got a horrid pot I made in the 3rd form in the exhibition – Ugh!! Went to Wymondham, got a present for Miss Watson. On Friday the boys went on a 50 mile walk – only 3 finished! Teachers sponsored them.
Sunday June 25th
Humph goes with Melanie Pocock – oh no!
Saturday July 1st
Gwenda’s birthday. Watched tennis, lots of old girls came back. Jill W, Carol B and Val Head had a gorgeous orange suit on. Played tennis with Tiny, Annette, Wendy and Quinney – ended up as french cricket!
Midnight landing feast – strawberry flan and savouries – loverly.
The school water pumps conked out so we are on water rationing.- Ugh! We have running water for five mins every hour – Ugh!
Tuesday July 4th
Had manaquin parade – me with Barbara Harvey. – awful MCC playing the first cricket team.
Thursday July 6th
Bowerin found out who I like. At night the leavers put bog roll on trees and woke us up by singing Old Lang Syne down High Street at three o’clock.
Friday July 7th
Said goodbye to Miss Watson and Mrs Mickey [Michelbrink]. Am going into new house – Wakefield after holiday Pat also – Good.
Monday September 4th
Anthea’s birthday. Back to school. Miss Tebbs funny but got at Pat. [Sparkes]
Tuesday Sept 5th
General disorganization in the house [Wakefield]. We have the last half hour of prep unsupervised. Mr C [?] on prep duty. In top English set – Ugh! MR Worrall, lots of boys but no-one special
Wednesday Sept 6th
Miss Tebbs told lower 6th off for wearing mini skirts and wants me to do something about my hair as well – Cheek! Cold water back on [?]. Done Chaucer in English.
Thursday Sept 7th
Had my hair in bunches. Had Art, about 30 in set.
Saturday Sept 9th
Played hockey with Mr Mills. Went to flics, saw quite a good film – in colour. Pat said dance was ok but feeble. Miss Tebbs has a "thing" about skirts. All skirts are supposed to be just above the knee – Joke!!
Sunday Sept 10th
Pressed skirt. Chapel – sermon on love. Blackberries on walks.
Monday Sept 11th
Help! Rees is supposed to like me and we have two lessons with him tomorrow.
Wednesday Sept 12th
Pat and I have permission to watch the "boy met Girl " on Television. We will have to go to another house. Teresa isn’t our house captain any more, Linda Pocock is. Heather Brand owes me2 shillings.
Thursday Sept 14th
Hazel’s birthday. Humph’s birthday. Got letter from Adrian [Fakenham Grammar School]. Miss Sayle is there. She says that we [4B] were the worst form in her teaching career. Rees goes with Annette C.- Funny!
Saturday Sept 15th
Exeat to Wymondham – got coke and shandy. Dance – made a mess of a quickstep with Kev Ireland. Helen goes with Dib Green.
Sunday Sept 16th
Put thing on door. Fanny tore it down – Blast! Susan Corser visited. Third formers have to see Muz ‘cos of nothing much. Silly old Miss Tebbs.
Monday Sept 17th
Suzanne likes Delaney. Mr Muz quite nice to thirds. We have to have skirts 2inches above the knees.- 4inches home skirts. I have to have my hair in bunches for all meals – even tea.
Wednesday Sept 18th
Hazel [Medlar] and Lindsey [Rockingham] in first team. I have a stinking cold.
Saturday Sept 23rd
We are going to see Dr Zhivago – going to cost seven shillings and sixpence but it will be worth it. Had mixed flics, we went in late and were surrounded by couples.
Sunday Sept 24th
Fanny Tebbs made us take down all our pictures.
Monday Sept 25th
Fruit man came under our arch. Told jokes until about 11 – Stella [Dubok?] thumped.(on wall)
Tuesday Sept26th
Two German girls here for 6 weeks - one on my table – nice. Janet Williams is back on our table as well!!
Thursday Sept 28th
Our beds have to be stripped every morning now.
Friday Sept 29th
Maralyn & other new third ran away at night – back by dinner.
Sunday Oct 1st
Suzanne goes with Delaney. Janet Farr got caught pinching apples – police etc !!!!!
Monday Oct 2nd
Linda Pocock says that an upper 6th likes me – but will not tell me who. Miss Colls lost my colour scheme in Art. Grrrrr!!
Tuesday Oct 3rd
Laura likes Gungy. Laura fumed – Ugh!!
Thursday Oct 5th
Fished out of [dorm] window for toast in 6th form room – ripped my tie in the effort
Saturday Oct 7th
In evening went to see Dr Zhivago. Sat near Curly going and on Al Harris’ knee coming back. Gorgeous film, ever so sad and cruel in parts. Didn’t get back till half past eleven.
Monday Oct 9th
After lights out Miss Coily came in when I was washing my fringe – didn’t say anything. Frances had enormous birthday cake shaped like a horse – went round the whole house.
Tuesday Oct 10th
Nancy Howell says someone likes me – won’t say who – meanie!
Wednesday Oct 11th
It’s Pod Coburn who is supposed to like me. Problem – Do I like him?
Thursday Oct 12th
Laura stuck fringe down with sellotape & stuck eyebrows up!
Friday Oct 13th
Rang Mum, forgot to press button A.
[For our younger readers, the phone had no dial and was 'connected' by an operator at Wymondham Telephone Exchange. The money was fed in (four old pence?), and when the 'distant party' answered, Button A was pressed to release the coins into the machine and connect the line. If the call was unsuccessful, Button B would return the coins. - Ed.]
Tuesday Oct 17th
Rees was stroppy in Physics – mean pig! Freezing cold – pulled long johns down. (!)
Thursday Oct 19th
House party with York – had penny dance with Delaney – nice.
Friday November 3rd
Found out Pod’s a flight sergeant in the cadets. Babs Littlier says he wants a house social with Wakefield! Got in a right mess in French – Miss Battye was nice though.
Saturday November 4th
Had a try at squash in PE. Mad, but I think it should be fun if you could play properly. Dance. Pod was in a black gown and had white stuff all over his face. Ugh. Had food in rec room – muddy - ugh!
Wymondham College Remembered