View from Fry Hall (1) - c1964
Peel Hall on the left, then the Admin block (Hut 1 - Tuck Shop on the other side). Workshops and Kett Hall in the distance; water tower just visible on the right. Two Morris Minors, a Ford Anglia and an MG Midget in the foreground. The photo was taken from Enid Watson's room.
The chalet shown here (Hut 3) was originally the USAAF Post Exchange (PX). Miss Joan Tebbutt, the Head of the Special Grammar School, lived there until she left in the summer of 1955 and thereafter the building became the hairdressing salon and a domestic staff tea-break station.
Directly on the other side of the High Street was a similar chalet (USAAF 16 - the hospital Barber's Shop) where the boys would be shorn in those early days, in the company of either Miss Flo Wilson or Miss May Edwards ('shot & javelin' to the pupils and 'ebb & flo' to the staff) who ticked off names and spent the rest of the time knitting in appropriate Madame Defarge style. The two ladies lived next door in a shortened nissen hut that was numbered 23 by the USAAF and was the EEN&T Clinic. USAAF 6 (Dental Centre) was home for Mr & Mrs Metcalfe until a house was built for them at the NW corner of the site. These High Street buildings were demolished to make way for Fry and Cavell Halls.
The Gallery
Topography - 60s
Fry View (1)