The First Chapel
The Chapel was usually well decorated with flowers and a mural depicting Palm Sunday painted on the Altar Wall. Services would be held Sunday evenings when the choir, boys on the right & girls on the left, would sing in four part harmony under the direction of Mr Paul Banham who could sing all four parts!
The writer remembers a glorious evening when Mr Edward A Reynolds in his pre-service piano programme, very adventurously and probably to the surprise of the attendant dignitaries, broke into a bluesy rendition of Swing Low Sweet Chariot, quite radical for the time when to sit with one's parents listening to Nat King Cole could be "uncomfortable".
David Spinks
I remember sleeping through services in the old chapel - the staff sat at the back near a massive coke stove which was very soporific (my excuse).
Roger Garrard
The Gallery
Topography - 50s
First Chapel