Contents List The Gallery Ephemera - Forms & Chits

Exeat Chit (1960s)        Exeat Form (1970s)         Transport Slip

Exeat Chit (1960s)

Release from the confines of the College in the Fifties & Sixties required an Exeat chit, customarily issued by Housemasters/Housemistresses, but exceptionally by the Warden (Head).  In this case, the Great Man was not amused by the state of my hair during a performance by the School choir in 1964 and I was summoned to his office on the following morning.  After the usual 'Come in BOY!' I received a thorough tongue-lashing and instructions to go into Wymondham & get a more presentable barnet ....

Be afraid; be very ....

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The offending haircut

Herb Atkins

As for Metty going apoplectic at your haircut, one of my favourite anecdotes about him was of when a lad came back after half-term with a crew-cut, and he told him to do something about it immediately - we tried to club together to buy him a wig!

Roger Garrard


Exeat Form (1970s)

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In the 1970s, pupils were allowed one weekend exeat per half-term, but strictly under parental control.

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Transport Slip

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At the beginning and end of each term, a fleet of coaches was used to collect and distribute students at nominated points across the Norfolk countryside.  The winding journeys seemed interminable.  We were each given a standard form that identified pick-up/drop-off points and timings.  It was such a relief to get a 'one-way ticket' in 1964 that I kept it as a souvenir! 

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Wymondham College Remembered