College Trip to France - Summer 1957

Standing:  Mr John Swift, Sanderson, McKenzie, John Chapman, Pamela Culling, NK, David Rudd, Peter Waller, Norman Alden, NK (front), Colin Tuck (rear), John Gooderham, Janet Featherby, NK, NK, Adrian Smith, Ann(e) McCafferty, Anna Whyte, Gerard Pearson behind Mrs Swift (ex-Miss Thomas)
Front:  Extreme front is the guide, Michel (a medical student).  Rest are NK, NK, John Galloway, NK, Kevin Hayes, Maurice Freestone?, Ann(e) Potter

David Rudd writes "I think I am able to identify a couple of faces on photo of the College trip to Paris in 1957 (photo taken at Versailles).  Looking over the left shoulder of Peter Waller is, I believe, Norman Alden. The guide at the front was, of course, either Michel or Jean and I am inclined to believe that he was Michel. Looking over his left shoulder is, I think, Kevin Hayes (nephew? of Paul Banham who taught French whilst I was there 1953-1960). I am about to return to Paris for the first time since then and am enormously looking forward to it. In 1957 we stayed in the dormitories of the Lycee Henri IV behind the Sorbonne (off the Boulevard St. Michel) and it was at the top of the boulevard that I had my first glass of Dubonnet  (a life-long love) sitting at a table outside a café."

 Contents The Gallery College Trips France 1957