Gloucester House 1969
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The infamous Langham and Lee V-sign photo

Back row: Waring, Paul Greenwood, Pete Tudor (also giving a semi v sign - he pleaded innocent) , Stephen Spencer, David Armstrong, Johnathan Tolley, Tony Southgate, Farman, NK, Andy or 'Sam' Rowlands, Ian (?) Kidd, NK, NK
4th row:
NK, 'Alfie' Mason, Alan Wright, David Tudor, Jonathon Boon, Keith Pearson, Williamson junior, 'Bonzo' Langham, Chris Lea, NK, NK, NK, David Bull, Mike Greenwood, Michael Evans
3rd row:
Rog Keely, NK, 'Garth' Matthews, Ian Gomeche, Ken Armstrong, Phillip Williamson, Chris Garner, Worsfold, William Slegg, Martin Scott, Headley, Derek Everitt, Steve Mason
2nd row:
Ivany, Francis Wright, Andy Keely, Graham Saville, Mr Lawson, Mr Garrard, Mr Goman, Miss Utting ('Baby Jane' - with the beehive hairdo and short skirt), Mr Seeley, Mr Wood, Mr Eyre, Mr Fairhurst, Nigel Tansley-Thomas, Nigel 'Nobby' Clark, Brian 'Brin' Hayden
Front row:
Fergus Penman, Stephen Hammond, Alan Lund, Jack Wright, Stephen Rudd, Stephen Woodbridge, Colin Farrington, Roger Keely , Huckle, Warnes, Ian Rippon, Trevor Wadlow, Rupert Somers-Joyce, Johnathon Parrott, Andrew Counsell

Pete Tudor - sadly killed in a motorcycle accident.
Stephen Spencer - a consultant ophthalmologist in Huddersfield.  Attended Walsingham 2000.
Johnathan Tolley - is/was in the Police Force in London.

 Contents The Gallery Houses - 1960s Gloucester 1969