Maintenance Staff (1988)
Copied from the 1988 College
Harry Davis, Eric Roper, Noel Kerrison, Peter Downes and Arthur Spinks (thanks to Mike Thorogood for researching the surnames)
This is the 1988 Magazine article:
We followed the directions we had been given to find the maintenance men, and walked into one of the small huts next to Kett Hall. After some more searching we eventually discovered a room in which the chinking of cups and teaspoons could be heard. We entered. This is where we met Eric. He previously worked at Briton Brush Factory for forty-one years, and he has been working here now for just three and a half years. Eric's jobs include picking up rubbish, checking and cleaning classrooms and some other odd jobs ... oh, and making the tea! (He enjoys the tea breaks best!)
Arthur, Harry, Noel and Peter arrived later. Peter has worked at Wymondham College for the longest, twenty-one years altogether, with a three-year break in-between. Next comes Arthur, the mini-bus driver. Arthur has worked here seventeen years; the others have yet to reach double figures.
Peter and Noel attend to jobs involving carpentry (i.e. fixing broken chairs and drawers), plumbing, looking after the swimming pool, and they sometimes drive the mini-buses. Harry seems to have the most varied jobs. He has to arrive early, ready to unlock the doors at 6.30 in the morning for the cleaners to get in, and then he must check them in. Harry checks the pool temperature and the boiler house each day, and has to make reports on them. He distributes "tickets" to other maintenance men, indicating the sort of jobs needed to be done that day. Other various jobs include helping out if the sewage plant breaks down and transporting store materials. He also drives a mini-bus at the end of terms. Harry wanted to point out that he rides a bike too!Earlier this year, after the hurricane, the maintenance men repaired nissen huts and picked up sheets of tin which had been blown from them. In fact, Noel's funny story originates from the hurricane. One of the sister's rooms in sick bay had been partly "demolished" by the storms. Noel proceeded to try and fix the gaping hole left, but accidentally stuck his foot through and was left dangling there!! All of the men gave naughty grins when we questioned them about funny experiences from their jobs, but only Noel actually told us about his! (I wonder why?!)
Sue Daykin
Our Memories
Ancillary Staff
Maintenance Staff (1988)