1. The Watch - Royston Futter, Peter Jermy,
Nigel Knott, Paul D. Clarke, Brian Perry, Thomas Lawrence. |
2. The Watch - Take 2. |
3. Hilary Dewhirst (Ursula) and John Wood
(Don Pedro). |
4. Paul Townsend (Claudio) and Jane
Ford (Hero). |
5. Hilary Dewhirst (Ursula), Lesley
Sayles (Beatrice), Jane Ford (Hero) and Jennifer Bayfield (Margaret). |
6. Paul Rivett? (Don John) and Kevin
Kennedy (Borachio). |
7. Thomas Lawrence (Verges) and Lesley
Sayles (Beatrice). |
8. Roger Cole (Sexton). |
9. Paul Townsend (Claudio). |
10. Tony Dyson (Benedick). |
11. Kevin Kennedy (Borachio) and
Patrick Spruce (Conrade) - followers of Don John. |
12. Just inside the Tomlinson back door are
(starting at the back) Paul D. Clarke, Roger Cole, Royston Futter, Brian
Perry?, Peter Jermy, NK, Paul Rivett. |
13. At left: Roger Cole, Paul D. Clarke,
Hilary Dewhirst, Carol Sparrow (Royston Futter behind her), Gerry Moon,
Jenny Bayfield, Ian Knowles, Sue Furbank, Stephen Poll. Tony Dyson &
Lesley Sayles centre. |
14. Paul Townsend and Jane Ford. In
the orchestra - Merv Boast, Michael Rice, Richard Vincent and Tony
Seymour. |
15. NK, Tony Dyson (Benedick) and Stephen
Poll (Friar Francis). |
16. Hilary Dewhirst and John Wood. |
17. John Wood (Don Pedro), Paul Townsend
(Claudio), Paul Rivett (Don John), NK, Stephen Poll (Friar Francis),
Jane Ford (Hero), Carol Sparrow (attendant), Hilary Dewhirst (Ursula),
Lesley Sayles (Beatrice). |
18. John Wood (Don Pedro), Paul Townsend
(Claudio), Jane Ford (Hero), NK, Stephen Poll (Friar Francis). |
19. Tony Allison? (Antonio), NK, John Wood
(Don Pedro) and Paul Townsend (Claudio). |
20. The orchestra, with Merv Boast on
the right. |
21. The leading members of the cast. |
22. The make-up department. |
23. The orchestra waiting for a cue.
Jim Douglas at the back, Mr Thornley back left, then possibly Peter
Dubock, Merv Boast, Miss Mair, Michael Rice. Young chap on the
right NK. |
24. Tony Allison? |
25. Enid Watson adjusts Hilary Dewhirst's
costume. Could be Joan Turner at left. Mr Mick Thornley is in the
doorway. |
26. Dress rehearsal in full swing. |
27. Dress rehearsal - could be Paul
Wrench sitting on the right. |
28. Taking direction (presumably from Roger
Garrard). |
29. The Wind section; Richard Vincent, NK
(trumpet) and Tony Seymour (bassoon). |
30. Paul Townsend, John Wood and Tony Dyson. |
31. Ian Knowles (Messenger). |
32. Thomas Lawrence (Verges). |
33. A clinch under close scrutiny. |
34. Thomas Lawrence, Peter Jermy, Patrick
Spruce, Nigel Knott, Roger Cole, Brian Perry, Royston Futter, Kevin
Kennedy and Paul D. Clarke. |
35. Thomas Lawrence, Peter Jermy, Patrick
Spruce, Nigel Knott, Roger Cole, Brian Perry. |
36. Paul Townsend (Claudio), Peter Jermy ,
Patrick Spruce (Conrade), Brian Perry . |
37. Gerry Moon (Balthazar), Tony Dyson (Benedick)
and Jim Douglas (Minstrel). |
38. John Wood (Don Pedro). |
39. Royston Futter (Third Watch), Thomas
Lawrence (Verges), Brian Perry (Dogberry), Paul D. Clarke (Second
Watch), Peter Jermy (Fourth Watch) and Nigel Knott (First Watch). |
40. Ditto. |
41. Lesley Sayles (Beatrice) and Tony Dyson
(Benedick). |
42. Ditto. |
43. Make-up in progress. Names? |
44. Ian Knowles and Joy Reynolds. |
45. Tony Dyson (Benedick) and Lesley Sayles
(Beatrice). |
46. Stephen Poll (Friar Francis), Sue
Furbank (Attendant), Jane Ford (Hero), Lesley Sayles (Beatrice). |
47. Jane Ford (Hero) and Stephen Poll (Friar
Francis). |
48. Paul Townsend (Claudio) and Jane Ford
(Hero) |
49. Stephen Poll (Friar Francis), Carol
Sparrow (Attendant), Hilary Dewhirst (Ursula), Jennifer Bayfield
(Margaret) and Jane Ford (Hero). |
50. Lesley Sayles and Tony Allison? |
51. Carol Sparrow (Attendant), Hilary
Dewhirst (Ursula), Jennifer Bayfield (Margaret), Jane Ford (Hero) and
Lesley Sayles (Beatrice). |
52. Tony Dyson, Paul Townsend, NK, NK. |
53. Nigel Knott, Brian Perry, John Wood and
Kevin Kennedy. |
54. Lesley Sayles, Tony Dyson, Sue Furbank,
Paul Townsend and Jane Ford. |
55. Paul Townsend, Tony Dyson and John Wood. |
56. Tony Dyson, NK and Stephen Poll. |
57. Paul Townsend, John Wood and Jane Ford. |
58. Tony Dyson and John Wood. |
59. Hilary Dewhirst and Jane Ford. |
60. NK and Jane Ford. |
61. Lesley Sayles (Paul D. Clarke behind).
Orchestra member? |
62. Peter Jermy (Fourth Watch). |
63. NK, Lesley Sayles, Tony Allison?, Jane
Ford. |
64. Paul Townsend and NK. |
65. Royston Futter, Peter Jermy, Paul D.
Clarke, Brian Perry, Thomas Lawrence. |
66. Tony Dyson, NK, John Wood. |
67. Hope you didn't wear that
wristwatch on the night Tony! |
68. The Masque. |
69. Thomas Lawrence. |
70. Ditto. Paul Wrench is conducting the
orchestra in the background. |
71. NK, Paul Townsend and Tony Dyson. |
72. Paul Townsend, Stephen Poll and Jane
Ford. |