Contents List
Our Memories
Nicknames & Slang
Nicknames (Staff)
Nicknames (Pupils)
This list has to be taken in the right spirit! OK, a few nicknames imply disrespect (at least), but there are also those that hide indirect affection. We were teenagers and didn't begin to understand the motives behind the regime that controlled and constrained us. All we knew was that it caused us grief from time to time & these labels were one way of getting our own back.
Please forward more names - but don't include current members of staff or Anglo-Saxon profanity (although we maybe thought in such terms!).
Secondary Nickname/Remarks
D. J. Anderson Jesus Main RE teacher and College Chaplain. Also known as "Handy Andy." Mr Anderson (Keith? - Physics) Elfie Early 70s. 'He was so called because he was very short and had an elf-like face. We used to sit cross-legged on the lab stools, singing "what's it all about, Elfie." Appleyard Pip . Auckland (PE) Square Jaw . Ronald Eyre (French) Pubic . Baker (Music) Gutty See Wrench. Baumohl Bum-hole . Dick Bawden (History) Biffo Sap Miss Blogg (Geography) Fred . Keith Boothroyd Rubberoid Stickyfeet; due to squeaky shoes. Al Dean: 'he never caught anyone talking after lights out!' Bootle Deathwatch As in Deathwatch beetle/Bootle. Bower (English) Cedric Bowman (German) The Major Ken Mike Brand (Science) Poof One of the 'Chemical Brothers.' Alternatives were:
(1) Slick.
(2) Penguin (resemblance to Batman character).
(3) Brandex or Brand Y for obvious reasons to those he taught.Brayshaw Baggage Wells/Fry Matron Carter (Geology) Esker Chedgey (Art) Chedge . Miss Chipperfield (Geography) Chips Cooney (Science) Lab Looney . Miss Cooper (French) Miss Piggy . Coutts (Economics) Daddy First three initials were P.A.H. Davenport (Biology) Dolly She was too .... Cor! Barry Davies (History) Sludge . Davis (Graphics) Caveman . Keith Davitte Taffy . Miss Gladys Dolan (Salisbury/Fry boys' Matron 'til 1976) Scrotum Related to an inspection maybe? An anonymous girl relates 'Scrotum got her nickname because she was wrinkled and hairy, per 1971 dormitory discussions.' Dorling (Science) Rat 'Diddy Dorling' Mike Doughty (Maths) MAD His initials Eric Dudley (Physics) Yuk 'Cuddly' and 'dric eudly' - an anagram coined by William Slegg. Yuk was a part-time Anglia TV weatherman in the 1960s. Misses Edwards & Wilson Shot & Javelin
Admin staff who also ran the Tuck Shop in the 50s & 60s.
It is also thought they were known as Ebb and Flo. In 1957 they were sharing a truncated nissen hut on High Street, later demolished to make way for Fry Hall. Miss Edwards was short and stout and Miss Wilson was tall and robust (but not fat) and had a heart of gold, in spite of a formidable appearance.
Edwards (History) EJ . Entwistle Billie 'Diamond' (more faces than an uncut one) Miss Fisher (Art / Kett Housemistress) Fishy . Freeburn (Computing) Freebie . Mr Freeman (Art) Freddy Roger Garrard Froggy . Dave Goman Daish Malcolm Fairhurst (Chemistry) coined the phrase 'Holy Goman Empire' - hence 'I'm off up the Empire.' Mr Gooday (Second Master & Languages) Benny Hill Bash/Bible Basher ... though one of the nicest members of staff I encountered in my time there - Nigel Utting Graham (English) Harmony See anecdote on the Fireworks & Festivities page Graham (Science) Billy Miss Greenacre (Matron of Gloucester until approx 1968) Gusher 'Gushing' was a WC term for talking too much. Hall Duckie 'Genesis' after a track we used to listen to by Fairport Convention called 'Genesis Hall' - Ian Gom eche.
Also called 'Drongo.'
Rev. Hanrahan God . Rev. Hare (Chaplain, RE/Drama) The Cool Rev. . Harris Wee Willie A skiffle idol in the late 50's Hawkyard (Maths) Jack Hayton-Williams (PE) Jockstrap . Herrington Dibble Green ('I'm not GREEN you know'). Dibble was a cartoon character in the Boss Cat cartoon (late 50's). Hibbert Hardie Flo. Big Jim. The Coathanger Kid (shoulders were so far back that he appeared to have coathanger still in his jacket - Al Dean). Mrs Hill (Canterbury/Kett Matron) Skunky . Ms. Hillier (Dep. Housemistress, Cavell, Economics) Viv Biv . Hoare (Housemaster, Cavell, History) Keeno Hernandez. See the anecdote on the Fireworks & Festivities page Graeme Hobday Garth Named after a superman-type character in a newspaper (Mirror?) comic strip 1950s/60s Miss Jackson (PE) Hitler . Dr. Joyner (Science) Doc Juvey Mr Koziura (PE) Kozzy . Laughton (Maths) (Colonel) Ping Part-time Anglia TV weatherman 1960s. Said someone: 'Ping, my maths teacher, got his name due to a delightful habit of picking his nose, rolling it into ball, and pinging it across the room. I kid you not.' Lewis Zom . Little (PE) Greasy Grit Also known as "Grittle" D.L. Lockwood Hell Due to his initials (his middle name was Leo). Five years after retirement, he came back to rejoin the staff and teach some History because of a long-term illness. However, his stint has now ended again and he's back in retirement. Long Bunny ... the teeth Martin, Cliff (old boy & Chemistry teacher) Kosh/Cosh It was simply the base of the French for pig. He was a pretty tubby bloke and always had some food spattered over his blazer and tie. He was in my year/house and it was Jimmy Niblock ( like Cosh another New Third ) who came up with this particular name - Christopher 'Mouse' Moore.
Mrs Maas (French) Karzi . Miss Mair Haggis Housemistress of Westminster. Later Mrs McBeath. Matthews (Head of Languages) God . McBeath (Mr) Wingnut ... the hair McBeath (Mrs) McDeath . T B McConkey (German) Penguin/Brian . McClay, Duncan (PE) Dunc The Hunk . Metcalfe (Warden) Muz . Millington Spike . Morley (Creative Design) Rat . Moss Dick Toss Which one? There were several - Ed. MPBW Workmen (50s/60s) Thunder & Lightning MPBW = Ministry of Public Buildings & Works (aka Ministry of Public Blunders and Wonders); later DOE & PSA Neale (Metalwork) Harry . Mrs Newlands (Maths) Munchkin . Noble Larry As I recall Mr Noble was known as Larry but was also known as Ig(Noble) - Roger Crouch
Took over as Housemaster of Norwich from Orme.Dr Norris Gerbil . Norton Nellie/Nelly Slug, Gut Miss O'Grady (English) Junkie . Palfrey (Geography) Otto Von Palfrey little doggie Parker (Music) BJ . Sister Pauley The Boston Strangler The Boston Mangler Paxton Tampax . Miss Pountain (Matron - Kett) P*ss Mountain . Poulton Harry . Purchase Ski slope Also "Beak" - the only man who could smoke an Embassy in the rain without it getting wet; on account of his nose. Mrs Ream (Maths) Camel . Reeve (French) Victor . Miss Restiaux (Norwich Matron) Oinks Variation - "Oicks" Reynolds (Woodwork) Bastard (after the file!!) . Russell (Maths) Charley Keith Rutherford (Mr) Piggy Roly - the other 'Chemical Brother' Rutherford (Mrs) Chicken . Andrew Seeley (Metalwork) EMOD DOME spelled backwards (large bald head). Also Tonk (the name of his slipper), Chrome Dome, Icabod, Uncle Andrew, Ollie. Shuter (Science, head of RAF CCF) Biggles Six-gun or Salad Simpson (Science) Sinbad . Rev. Singh (Physics) Ghandi . Siviour * Barrel His shape generated the nickname. * D.R. Staveley, Mr Stockwell and Mr G. Siviour of the Geography Department were known as 'Doc, Stock and Barrel.'
Spurling (English/drama) Spongy Spunky Staveley * Doc (initials D.R.) Cabbage Stockwell * Stock . Rev. Tanburn Tampon 'Jeremiah Womble' on account of his initials; JWT Maurice Tate (French) Orme He prefaced all remarks with "Orme." Took over as Housemaster of Norwich on Ping's (Mr Laughton's) retirement. Taylor Slashy . Miss Tebbs (Senior Mistress) Old Ma Tebbs
. Trevor Terry (Housemaster of East House 5?-61) Cuth/Cuthbert . Mrs Therrien (English) Sue . Walker Wackie Which one? There were several - Ed. Mrs Warren; the Matron of Peel in the late 1970s. "Buster" or "Buddah" The latter was a code word for "udder" as she really did have enormous breasts - Ben Carter Weaver (PE) Shastic . Wheeldon Jif lack of neck Miss Whitmore (Languages) Olive Auntie Ollie Wigney (Economics) Ho-Ho Wiggers Wilkinson (Mrs) Baggage 2 Matron of Wells/Fry. See Miss Brayshaw above. Miss Willetts (Humanities) Benito Mini Hitler Williams (PE) Action Man Yup, another lookee likee - Nigel Utting Miss Williamson Wombat Matron of Cavell Wilson Tank Mr JH Wilson of the History Department was known as "Tank" due to his enormous size moving at speed around campus - Ben Carter. Mrs Wilson (History) Painted Lady Enthusiastic consumer of cosmetics Wolsey (Warden/Headmaster) Peanut The Nut. For the remarkable resemblance of his head to that variety of nut. Mrs Wolsey (Stand In - Head's Wife) Buddha . Wood (Languages) Fred Nurk . Wood (Physics) Woody Wobbly Wood. Mr Stamp & Wobble Woollestone (Languages) PVC Le Mouton. Mostly to do with his name, though I seem to recall mutton chop sideburns as well. He also used to 'accidentally' leave a press cutting showing his footballing exploits for Kelvedon Hatch FC on his desk for perusal by all and sundry. I'm amazed that it was never defaced. Nigel Utting Worley (Science) Davros Worm or Wozzle Worrall (Biology) Yogi (son was Boo-Boo) Also:
(1) CCHW - Charles Cornelius Horatio.
(2) In early 60's was K*** R** and Mrs W. was F***** Q***.Wrench (Music) Gutty or Stench .
No, not all of them - just the ones that were well thought-out, unusual or funny.
Nickname Derivation Two-maths-physics
In the mid-Sixties it was fairly unusual for a girl to take maths/science subjects in the 6th Form. Caroline Stubbings was one of the pioneers and gained an appropriate tag.
"Caroline was one of two girls who took those subjects in years 63/4 and 64/5. The other was Diane Rogers. Caroline was particularly bright and, I believe, only attended the College for the sixth form years. As a new girl she created something of a stir. By a coincidence she is on the Wells Prefects 1964 photograph. Both girls added a welcome touch of glamour, somewhat different from nerds like me who were the more usual 'double maths' students." - Peter Willimott
Blot Peter goes on to say ... "I, on the other hand, was called 'Williblot' or 'Blot;' christened by Jack Hawkyard in 1958 during my first weeks in the College. In those days biros were practically unheard of and I had a cheap Platignum fountain pen that erupted intermittently over my maths exercise books. Hence the nickname, which stayed with me until 1965." Ben Carter writes: One form ..... was taking the first letter of a person's current nickname, and making another name out of that, or else a variant of the system. Thus, Gary Byrne, who had protruding front teeth, was called "Fang," but the F from Fang was then removed leaving "Ang", which was then transformed into "Angstrom Unit". The main variant of this was "Freddy" as in "Freddy Angstrom Unit", thus retaining within the new form the original "Fang,"
There were loads like this. My own nickname was "Goitre", because I used to do weight-training on my neck muscles for rugby. At some point I started to be called "Garth", as in "Garth Oitre".
The greatest proponents of this form of slang were Tim Prouty (now living in New Mexico), and his sidekick Justin Edrich of the England cricketing family fame.
Term Means Remarks Bugs Lower Forms 'Bugs' was the preferred epithet for day pupils in the late 1970s, and as such I'm surprised that nobody's mentioned it as yet, since it was in very common use. Nigel Utting (1976-81) Club, The Building 121 Ex-Hospital Canteen, the word 'Club' was visible above the door. Used as a Common Room by (at least) North House. Day Mongs Sixth form day pupils . Doobies Cooks . Empire, The Tech Drawing Office (Building 91) 'The Holy Goman Empire' - ruled by Dave Goman Fabby-doo Extension of 'fab' Invented by ????? c.1964 Gumbies Grounds, maintenance & ancillary staff - those who did the humping, heaving and repairs.
'One of the gumbies in the 1970s had the sensitive name of Rawballs. Never knew why (wore dark glasses - more likely to be an eye condition than a fashion statement).'
Gush (vb.) To talk too much. Noun - Gusher Heebs (1970s) Lower Forms Hebrew slaves. Christopher 'Mouse' Moore (70-77) writes: "Canterbury/Kett used the term heeb/hebe all the time. Tick was prevelant in the other houses, particularly Salisbury/Fry hall, and pleb not used at all, as far as I can recall in the 70s. I thought that hebe came from 'Hebe' who was the human granted semi-mortal status as he alone (of mankind) was granted the privilege to serve the Gods on Mt. Olympus. My brother (at Wymondham four or five years before) only used the term hebe." High Street Road fronting Fry and Cavell Halls . Licks Teacher's pets 50s/60s term (short for lick-arse) On the Tin Going out together = Going with Stephen Dobbin writes: 'On the tin' as in: 'I see Kevin Hathaway and Maggie Cockburn are still on the tin.' was STAFF slang for pupils 'going out together'.
The derivation is this: The senior playground was
opposite Butler Hall and overlooked by the staff room windows. Couples who were going out used to spend break times holding each others hands and leaning against the side of the staff room nissen hut, presumably so that they couldn't be seen from inside the staff room. Hence - 'on the tin.'Plebs (1960s) Lower Forms In the 60's, at least, 'plebs' was used pretty exclusively in the College, while the CGS - which
my brother was in - favoured 'heebs.' I never heard the word 'ticks' used at all - Ian Gomeche.
Spas/Spaz Hopeless, pathetic From 'spastic' Squatters Boarders With the new species of day pupils permeating the school, boarders were awarded their own nick name - Caroline Hoskin (87-94) Ticks (1970s onward) Lower Forms The term made it through the late eighties and into the nineties ('87 - 94) - Caroline Hoskin Yonks A very long time e.g. I've been waiting here (for) yonks!
Wymondham College Remembered