Fancy Dress - 1965 (Wells)
Photo taken by the Wells side of Fry Hall -
huts are numbers 13 and 11
Back row: Lizzie Rath (Cleaner), Francis Broadus (Black & White
Minstrel), Anthea Woods, Ann Vockins (Gypsy), Liz Welton (in Scottish dress),
Chris Gavan (in Indian dress), Ann Durrant (Gypsy), Caroline (Chris) Stubbings
(in Japanese dress)
Next row:
Jackie Pratt, kneeling, dressed as a Roman in a school sheet, Catherine Sadler
(Pirate), Diane (Dizzy) Walker (as a very non p.c. golliwog), Linda Worsfold
(1920s flapper), Peta Metson (Wood cutter), Judith Alpe(?) & Stephanie (Stevie) Darbisher
Laying in front:
Val Pyne (Cleopatra)
Missing from the photograph were: Rosalind (Ros) Robinson (Witch), Maggie Flint (Chinese boy), Trish Morris (Artist), Judy Chambers (?)
The Gallery
Fancy Dress Balls
Dress - 1965 (Wells)