The Gallery
1960s Productions (1)
6th Form Revue 1963
Some four years ago I came across a few battered black and white 35mm slides while sorting out an old box of photos. They triggered memories of a fun week at the end of 1963 when the then Upper 6th, after finishing the A-Level exams, staged a Sixth Form Revue for the school's entertainment - since found to have been on the 16th and 17th July that year. Once the slides had been scanned and included on this web site, several people who were involved have been in touch and their memories are included below, together with some 50 photographs from Chris Smith. Graham 'Hank' Bowman, who was continuity man and newsreader, managed to find his bits of the script and they have been used to provide a narrative. But first, the programme.
Herb Atkins
The Programme
I certainly remember the Revue. My guess is that John Wood did a lot of the writing, possibly with Joy Reynolds' boyfriend, ‘Knocker’ Knowles, who was quite a card. The title, if I remember correctly, was ‘Do Carry On’, Ray Metcalfe’s way of telling you to stop whatever you were doing and pretend to do something else until he’d ushered his visitors out of the way.
In the revue, I played a couple of Debussy pieces as interludes, ‘Claire de Lune’ on the piano and ‘Syrinx’ on the flute, and that I remember quite clearly. Of the sketches, the only one that I recall is John Wood’s impersonation of Olly [Seeley - Ed.], with a swimming cap over his head to simulate baldness, front teeth over his lower lip, and a broad accent with lots of spitting, as he either made or mended something. It was cruel, but soothed by a voice-over from Sue Culley or Joy Reynolds at the end; ‘You’re so handy, Andy.’
Preparing this revue, which we did when A levels were over, was possibly the happiest period of my school career. We did a preview for Ken Bowman, which resulted in very light censoring, but the satire was pretty mild by today’s standards - I suspect because we were actually quite fond of our targets (I retain a very warm regard indeed for Andrew Seeley).
Anonymous (but won't be too difficult to identify if you read on!)
[Ken Bowman's censorship was restricted to deletion of a joke that referred to Enoch Powell MP as 'Eunuch Powell' ... on the grounds that the Junior School wouldn't know what a eunuch was! - Ed.]
I have , somewhere in the loft, my script for the 6th form review of 1963. The whole thing was based on a television channel (Pi TV - I think). I was the 'link man' and Newsreader. All photos were back-screen projected. This is what I can remember.
News items included:
a missing dog story - photos of Splash. I think this was Mr Worrall's dog - a rather moth-eaten grey haired old mongrel (the dog, not Mr Worrall). In the story we called him Slash because of his liking for trees and people's legs.
a passable impersonation of Eric Dudley (Physics) giving the weather forecast (he was doing the job for Anglia TV at the time) - can't remember who did this.
Other items included:
a sketch based on the Colditz Story and there were many pictures used in this story and the school truck was, I think the getaway truck - hence the reason for us all with suitcases. I see that I am nearly late again.
a rather embarrassing song about those of us who had failed English Language O levels several times. Froggy Garrard had almost given up on us. The first few lines went: "Poor old Bowman and the rest, failed the English language test......." ( I still have to rely heavily on the spill chocker on this PC)
This whole review was a great success and it was the first time (and probably the last for some time) that this type of thing was allowed. My one overriding memory of this was when Froggy came to me at the end and shook my hand and said "well done Bowman, I didn't think you had it in you." If and when I can get into the loft to sort out old papers I am sure there will be more on this review.
Graham Bowman
'Minnie' (amongst the technicians) was, I believe, Donald Johnson; a role he also did In "Much Ado About Nothing" with Trevor Dodd. I kept in contact with Donald off and on for a few years after we left but heard he was tragically killed in a car accident at Wroxham. ( I have never had this confirmed).
Tony Allison
I've had a good look at the web page and it certainly jogged my memories of those events but I don't think I can add very much. I was in the review and if I remember correctly, the format was based on a TV programme. I think it was 'That was the Week That Was', which interspersed 'satirical' (and now very non p.c.) sketches with music; Millicent Martin had a spot to sing something specially written for the programme. Anyway, I had a slot to sing a short song in between various items - so the Susi was me (and there the resemblance to Millicent Martin begins and ends). I also remember the Enoch/Eunuch Powell joke but had forgotten it was removed from the programme.
Sue Culley
The Narrator's Script
This was a 12-bar boogie played by Paul Wrench on the piano, accompanied by (at least) Jim Douglas on my 6-string electric guitar and me on Jim's bass guitar - Herb Atkins
Before we start tonight's show, we would like to make it clear that the stage is representative of a TV studio, therefore all scene changes will be made in front of you and will be part of the show.
National New and Weather
No script for this
About Morley
Welcome to About Morley; a topical programme about your area. First, the local news.
An emergency meeting was called in the Staff Room today when it was realised that there were only 60 prefects in the school. Another 20 were immediately elected.
A shocked silence has been maintained by the staff after the announcement that a Slum Clearance Act had been passed on the Staff Room in order that the proposed sewerage scheme could be projected. An idea is however being considered in incorporating the Staff Room and the sewer, but strong objections have been made by the Sewerage Board.
Would anyone who has seen a grey, curly-haired canine on the loose, which answers to the name of 'Splash,' please report it to Mr Worrall who is extremely worried over its disappearance and fears that it may have been dog-napped to hold to ransom.
The recently founded Goman Destruction Company - a privately-owned and run institution - has been sued by the owner of Chalet 83. The Destruction Company accidentally destroyed it during one of their tea breaks. The owner is, however, being fully reimbursed with an ex-army tent, complete with ground sheet. Mr Goman commented: "I think it wash a prank by the ladsh."
We end the local news by congratulating Mr Bawden on his century of sixes. We wish him hard hitting in the future and may his arms never tire.
That is the end of the news. Now over to Eric, who is waiting with the weather.
<Weather Forecast>
No script for this, but it was presumably a caricature of Physics master Eric Dudley who presented the weather on Anglia Television at this time.
Thank you Eric. And now viewers, right from the heart of Norfolk we have five of the biggest yokels ever seen, who have come together to form a choir. They tell me that country songs are all they sing. Perhaps this is because this is the only place they were allowed to practice. Now over to the yokel choir.
<Yokel Choir>
That is all for part one of About Morley. We will be back with you in a couple of minutes.
<Handy Andy Advert>
Andy Seeley impersonated by John Wood; as related by 'Anonymous' earlier.
Welcome back. We now have pleasure in introducing a flute solo by Mr Michael Rice. He is about to play an Arabian Dirge composed by MAHARG NAMWOB.
<Flute Solo>
Thank you for your applause. I would just like to enlighten you on one or two facts about the last piece of music, to which you clapped so heartily. MAHARG NAMWOB is Graham Bowman spelt backwards and the piece played was the Arabian National Anthem - also backwards. That's all from About Morley. Goodnight.
Top Term Topics
Good evening viewers and welcome to Top Term Topics. Today we bring you topics of interest which have happened over the last year. To start tonight we have three lads from a well-known institution who have composed a song of their experiences and here they are to sing it to you. A big hand for the Wo
gs From Wymondham.
Definitely not a politically-correct name these days, but we can't change history! This could be the song referred to by Graham Bowman - There are some bits missing including a song that made ref to the fact that myself and one or two others had failed English 'O' level several times. The relevant verse went something like this:
"Poor old bowman and the rest
Failed the english language test
Eight times they have tried and now it's nine
Lets hope they all do better this time"
Thank you boys.
I am sure you all know of the unfortunate accident which overtook Mr Bowman last term when he sprained his ankle.
<Smarties Advert - Contents of a Small Boy's Pockets>
If you're a parent you'll know what these are (1). They are the contents of a small boy's pockets (2). All children have them. Odds and ends that they have picked up somewhere (3). Young Sidney is no exception (4). He carries them around with him (5) wherever he goes. And here is the most important item of all ............. a tube of SMARTIES. Sidney would never be without his SMARTIES. Sidney: "You're right there mate."
(1) Bra
(2) Fags
(3) Girdle
(4) Catapult
(5) PantiesI am sure this needs no introduction from me.
<Snetterton sketch>
That is the end of part one of Top Term Topics.
<Advert - C.J. Smith of Gloucester for your personal photography>
Welcome back. Those of you who have had the pleasure of visiting the new recreation room all know of the excellent service one finds there.
<Coffee Bar sketch>
Now viewers, to finish T3 tonight, we have a song composed by a member of staff in the College who wishes to remain anonymous. You may judge the reason for yourself.
I think this was to the tune of 'To be a Farmer's Boy' and the opening lines went something like:
The sun had set behind yon hut
Across the dreary moor
When through the mists a lad there came
Up to the workshop door ..... etc.
Can you tell me
Where ere there be
A man what would employ
To ....... and ..... and .... and ......
And be Dave Goman's Boy
And be Dave Goman's Boy.Well that's all from T3 tonight except for this special announcement from 39. The Gym Block is to be closed for repairs.
Drama 63
And now viewers, we present DRAMA 63. Tonight we have 'High Street Patrol' starring Broderick Parker, played by Ian Knowles.
<Advert - "And they smoked their Players together.">
And now it's my pleasure to introduce the Silver Serenader.
...................... INTERVAL .....................
News Headlines
No script for this.
This is Your Life
"The ‘this is your life’ segment was a last minute idea and Gerald Siviour was a willing subject. I think I did the Eamon Andrews bit." - Graham Bowman
<Advert - "Darling, please bath with Briz.">
The Paul Wrench Singers
And here for a pleasant interlude are the Paul Wrench singers.
The Appeal
We are now broadcasting an Appeal by Mr. Compton-Smith.
Brian Perry recalls that this was performed by Michael Rice (see photo 30 below).
<Advert - "This one of the 99 people out of a 100 who cannot tell Talk from Mutter.">
And now there follows a documentary programme on Wymondham College. (Music). First we will visit a typical scene in a dining room.
Your Life in Their Hands
And now we pay tribute to the nurses whose job is never easy, but is of course made impossible by some individuals.
As some of you might have heard, some members of the school orchestra have just fulfilled an engagement at Morley Fete; a Fete worse than death. They have now recovered and by special request will play some serious music by the eccentric, Claude Gervaise.
This must have been the Group (Messrs. Douglas, Boast, Perry and Atkins). We played about 4 instrumental numbers - almost certainly 100% Shadows material and included 'Nivram' which was a guitar duet. More about the group on the Rock & Roll page.
Any idea what form this took?
"As far as I can remember the last words spoken on the stage were 'let’s get out of here!' We all ran out the back of the hall and the picture of us all with cases on the site lorry was the final slide. "
The Photos
It's not clear how these photos fitted into the show ... or even if they were used at all. Chris Smith exhausted the best part of two rolls of 35mm film and every photo that survived is here. Most of them were cut into individual negatives, so were intended to be slides. If you can remember the context, or add more detail, do please get in touch.