Contents List
Please help us to build a comprehensive chronology for the College.
8 Jun 1945 | 231st USAAF Station Hospital closes. |
23 Apr 1947 | Wymondham Emergency Training College for Teachers (Men) opens. |
16 May 1947 | Wymondham Emergency Training College for Teachers (Women) opens. |
17 Jun 1947 | Official opening of the Emergency Teachers' Training College. |
Dec 1950 | Closure of the Emergency Teachers' Training Colleges. |
Apr 1951 | Pilot 'Technical Course' starts for 60 boarding students. |
Sep 1951 | First Technical School and Special Grammar School students arrive, together with the 'Thetford Transferees,' the first Commercial Course and the 'Agricultural Boys' - totalling approximately 300 pupils. |
26 Jul 1952 | The first Open Day. |
Feb 1953 | Lancashire Fire Brigade (Volunteers) billeted at the College while clearing up after the East Coast floods. |
Spring 1953 | The House system (N, S, E and W) was introduced in time for the Athletics season. |
18 Jul 1953 | Open Day. |
Jul 1954 | 365 pupils in the Technical School, 142 pupils in the Grammar School |
Sep 1954 |
As regards the quarantine, the 2002 College Newsletter contains this note from Margaret Blanchflower (nee Gardiner 1951-) ..... "The vivid memory of weeks of quarantine when Sheila Curson contracted polio and the prospect of our dorm being cooped up with Miss Brunning. After weeks of total isolation with meals and school work sent down to us we emerged with a much higher regard for Miss B. ....." |
16 Jul 1955 |
Sep 55 |
early-1956? | Wymondham College badge designed by Mr D.C. Freeman (Art). |
Sep 1957 |
Jan 1958 |
27 Jan 1958 | The 'Morley Hoard' of 885 Saxon silver pennies is found by workmen digging drains for new staff quarters. The estimated date of burial was 925 AD. Pagan Saxon pottery was also found in the area, dating much earlier than the coins. |
Mar 1958 |
Summer 1958 |
3 Jun 1958 | Roman pottery kilns (end of 1st Century AD) discovered next to Tomlinson Hall. |
Sep 1958 |
Oct 1958 | The first Speech Day. Lincoln Hall opened officially by Dean Acheson (American Secretary of State 1949-53). |
Sep 1959 |
29 Sep 1959 | Elizabeth Fry Hall opened by Miss Janet Witney. |
Top | |
May 1961 | Construction of the new gym begins, destroying half of the garden (including the orchard) in the process. |
Sep 1961 |
Jan 1962 |
Summer 1962 |
Sep 1962 |
19 Oct 1962 | Speech Day in St Andrews and Blackfriars Halls (Norwich). Guest speaker Sir Keith Murray. |
Jan 1963 |
Summer 1963 | New gym comes into use. |
15th Oct 1963 | Edward Boyle (Minister of Education) officially opens the gym, games hall, swimming pool, Kett Hall and Edith Cavell Hall. |
1965 | RAF Section of the CCF is formed |
June 1965 | 'Festival of Education' at the College |
Nov 1966 |
Sep 1967 | 725 pupils (328 girls, 397 boys); 177 in the 6th Form. |
Autumn 1967 |
1968 |
Jan 1968 | 'Flu epidemic & cases of meningitis. To combat the 'flu, it is understood that the school was fumigated and half-term was extended to 2 weeks. The term was lengthened by one week to recover lost time. |
Summer 1968 |
Sep 1968 |
Spring 1969 | The pond is frozen for the first time since 1963 |
Summer 1969 |
Autumn 1969 |
Top | |
Spring 1970 | College switches to mains water; borehole no longer used. |
Summer 1970 |
Dec 1970 | R.V. Metcalfe retires. |
Jan 1971 | R. Wolsey becomes Warden. |
Sep 1971 |
7 Nov 1971 | Fire in a York 8-bed dorm; affected property and fittings only. |
26 Feb 1972 | The gym was gutted by fire in the small hours & the whole school was fingerprinted following this. |
Summer 1972 | College Magazine was entitled 'Amalgam.' |
Sep 1972 | The term was not more than two hours old when the cricket pavilion was gutted by fire. |
13 Nov 1972 | The Parent-Staff Association was inaugurated and pinched the acronym of the Past Students Association! |
Jan 1973 | BBC TV cameras covered the first day of term and scenes/interviews appeared on 'Look East.' |
2 Apr 1973 | A strong gale caused damage to trees in the Park. |
Sep 1973 | All boarding houses now mixed. |
31 Mar 1974 | Sir Lincoln Ralphs' last visit as Director of Education for Norfolk. |
11 Jan 1974 | Margaret Thatcher (Minister of Education) visits the school. |
Oct 1974 | The New Block was evacuated temporarily for fear of collapse (high alumina cement content). Load tests were carried out, fears were not realised and the block was returned to use. |
May 1974 | Total population 1432 pupils (680 boarders). |
Summer 1974 | WC Paper (Roll 2) was published on the last day of term. |
Winter 1974 | Board of Governors formed. |
Sep 1975 | Entry of the last pupils selected for Grammar School education. |
2-3 Jan 1976 | Very high winds caused extensive damage to buildings, delaying the start of the new term. |
Feb 1976 | 'Flu epidemic, with over 500 cases. |
Sep 1976 | Cook-freeze system of catering comes into force. |
1977 | The Main Dining Hall was used for the last time. |
Sep 1978 | Establishment of the 6th Form boarding houses (Lincoln and Peel). |
16 Oct 1978 | Death of Sir Lincoln Ralphs |
Spring 1979 | Introduction of 'Societies Lions.' |
31 Mar 1979 | Formal opening of the Lincoln Ralphs Library. |
Top | |
Sep 1981 | Wymondham College become a Comprehensive school. The Warden is re-titled 'Headmaster.' |
1982 | Sports Hall electronic scoreboard manufactured. |
Jan 1984 | Norfolk's 1984-85 budget for school buildings was cut, and the College's future comes under threat. |
1986 | Andrew Seeley retires (1951-1986). |
Dec 1986 | Sister Godfrey retires. |
1987 |
Jan 1987 | Hut 25 demolished. |
Spring 1987 | The pond was drained and tidied up, with the involvement of the Conservation Club. |
Sep 1987 | The new Refectory came into use. |
Dec 1987 | The Refectory was opened officially by Sir James Cleminson; Chairman of the British Trade Overseas board. It was referred to by the locals as a 'nissen hut with square walls.' |
1988 |
1989 |
July 1989 | Two dinner-dances were held for past-pupils. "Younger members broke into the swimming pool and caused £100 worth of damage." Overnight accommodation was withdrawn for future events .... |
Sep 1989 | 6th Formers eat in Houses rather than the Refectory. |
Dec 1989 | An epidemic/bug did the rounds. |
Top | |
1990 |
9 Mar 1990 | Visit by the Duke of Edinburgh. |
Sep 1990 | The Science Block was opened, allowing the huts between New Hall and the Staff houses to be demolished (numbers 40-42). |
Dec 1990 | Evelyn Bird retires from the post of Headmaster's Secretary (she started in December 1954) |
1991 |
Jan 1991 | Wymondham College becomes a Grant-maintained school. |
Sep 1991 |
1992 |
31 Aug 1992 | Ronald Wolsey retires as Head, ending with a tour of schools in San Francisco, Vancouver and Japan. |
Sep 1992 | John Haden becomes Principal. |
1993 |
Spring 1993 |
1994 | New Technology Block opened by John McGregor, MP for South Norfolk |
Summer 1994 |
1995 |
Apr 1995 | John Worley (Biology) died |
Jul 1995 | Reunion attendees noted that Lincoln Hall tables had been stripped and resealed (dating from early 1960s) |
Sep 1995 |
1996 |
Feb 1997 |
Apr 1997 | The first meeting of the Wymondham College Trust (WCT) attended by newly installed trustees Mr M. W. Brand, Mr T.C. Eaton, Mr M.R.C. Fitzroy, Col G.G. Hardaker, Mr R.J.B. Hoare, Mrs A. Richardson, Mr D.J. Spinks. Also in attendance Mr J.D. Haden Principal and Mrs C.J. Arnold Secretary WCT. |
Sep 1997 | The only remaining huts are the Chapel, 11 (History), 12 (Art, Craft & Restoration), 30, 32, 34 and 36. |
1999 | Rear section of hut 32 was removed - in 1951 this hut was the dormitory for boys of the Easton School of Agriculture. |
7 May 1999 | Phase 2 of the Design & Technology Block was opened by Charles Clarke MP (Under-Secretary for School Standards). |
Sep 2000 | Victoria Musgrave becomes Principal. |
Wymondham College Remembered