The College Orchestra 1966
from the 1966 College Magazine
Back row: Leslie Meredith, Mark Brayne (later BBC Far East correspondent,
now a psychotherapist ), John Wainwright, Christopher Thatcher, Ian Palmer, Robin Bambridge, Nigel Tansley-Thomas, John Ord (trombone), Trevor Wilson
2nd row: Hilary Neve (cello), Tony Cook, Victor Laird, David Holloway (oboe),
Sarah Berghart (flute), Julia Yates (oboe), Mary George (flute), Marion Adcock, 'Duane' Eddy Jr. ,
David Eddy, Richard Emerson, John Wake (cello) [was Jonathan Cane - see John
Wake's message below]
Front: Adrian Garfoot (CGS), Mary Fairbank, Jane Cordle, Liz Emerson, Mr Berry, Miss Croft, William Weston (Leader), Hilary Weaver,
Perdita Morgan, Stephanie Johnson, Liz Yates, Sandra Hathaway.
"I was
CGS 1964-1971 and in 1964 I believe I was the only CGS pupil in the orchestra.
In 1965 Julia Yates, Sarah Berghart and Jonathan Cane joined too then later the
Kirby sisters and Julia's sister Liz. I remember playing in concerts in
the sports hall as well as taking part in the Speech Days (relayed by
closed-circuit TV to Butler Hall and the Chapel). The orchestra was
entered into the Norfolk and Norwich Music Festival each year. There is at least
one other photo around taken '70 but I haven't found my copy yet."
Hilary Woodhall (Neve)
"I'm pretty sure that between myself and Robin Bambridge on the back row it's Ian Palmer. I used to have quite a good friendship with Adrian Knights and Kay Farrow, Head boy/girl team up to summer '67, and realised who Ian is when I saw that he and Kay got married (now in the USA). I think I'm right in saying that they weren't an item in school days, but surely join the ranks of school friends who tied the knot." NB, Ian Palmer's name has since been confirmed by Michael Rice
Chris Thatcher
"Although you've got the person listed as "Jonathan Cane (cello)," it looks very much like me! You can check for a likeness by looking at the "Norwich House Basketball team" photo. I do remember having the photo session, although I felt a bit of a fraud (or did I?). Once in the orchestra and included in the photo, they found out I was useless at reading music, so I never actually got to play live. Not very many happy music teachers (some of the more serious competent players didn't see the funny side either)!!! Still, Mum was chuffed for little while!"
John Wake
"I can fill in two of the NKs in the front row of Hilary Neve's great photo: far left is Adrian Garfoot (yes, CGS, also in the Norfolk Youth Orchestra); 2nd from right is Liz Yates (elder sister of Julia, and also a good pianist). That leaves the fiddler next to 'dita Morgan.
Can anyone help? Good band in those days, the woodwind especially!
NB after more research David thinks the missing name may be Hilary Weaver.
David Eddy
Contents List
The Gallery
Orchestra & Choir
Orchestra 1966