Contents List The Gallery Orchestra & Choir


 Orchestra        Choir

The Orchestra

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 June 1966

 Spring Concert 1967 - 3 photos

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Spring Concert 1988    

The Choir

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 Junior Choir 1966

 Senior Choir 1966

 Spring Concert 1967 - 3 photos

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Junior Choir 1974


Here's a short piece on something that must've been rare - a House choir!

"Norwich House used to put together a sixth form choir every year to sing carols at Xmas.  This was a proper effort with rehearsals and so on - I sang bass, which I could manage, because it was the same as the trombone part, in spite of tight nylon underpants which insisted that I should have been singing counter tenor.  We had a version of 'While Shepherds Watched' sung to the tune of 'Ilkeley Moor Ba'tat' which I thought was cool.

Anyway, in 69 or 70 we had a treble called Willy Relton who sang a solo and subsequently appeared as an actor in plays on the telly - if anybody can recall him he would be a suitable entry for famous ex -WC pupils."

John Ord

Willy Relton was best friends with my best friend, Kate Howard's, brother. The only thing I remember him being in was 'The Winslow Boy' on TV - I don't recall when.

Dawn Burlingham
