These photos are large and will take around 2 minutes to download on dial-up!
Technical School 1951
Grammar School 1952
Technical School 1952
Technical School 1954
Whole School 1957
Wymondham College 1966
County Grammar School 1966
The School Photo
Standing, kneeling or sitting there.
All lined up quite
Or as
As you can get a hundred
Or so restless individuals.
Sniggers of stifled laughter
Ripple throughout the rows
As the prompting word 'cheese'
Is translated
Into something more tasty.
The sun blinds them,
The wind ruffles their combed hair,
The photo's been taken.
Some laugh,
Some sigh,
Most dread to see the result.
They're captured in time,
'One pound fifty please!'By Helen Stevens, Year 5, 1990
Wymondham College Remembered