
"The manner in which one endures what must be endured is more important than the thing that must be endured"
US Secretary of State Dean Acheson (who was Guest of Honour at the College's first Speech Day in 1958)

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A light-hearted look back over the past 70 years

Latest Updates 100 Club College History Our Memories The Gallery Old College Magazines Regaining Contact Past Reunions Morley Mall Contributors Useful Links About the Site

The Old Wymondhamians now have Facebook and Twitter pages. Follow us here


Last update: 1st February 2025     
For details see: What's New

  If you have any comments regarding this website, please
get in touch


100 Club

The January OW 100 Club draw was carried out on Wednesday 29th January 2025 at The Flintknappers in Brandon and this month's winners were:                                                                    

Josephine Tibbenham (Steggles) - £60 - resident of Weybread, Diss

David Tilson - £60 - resident of Tallington, Stamford


Gill Thompson - £30 - resident of Worthing

Steve and I were joined by David and Geraldine Howard, Sandra Howard, Chris Parnham, Stephen Bishop, Simon Turtle and Marcus Ellis. Chris kindly carried out the draw for us.

The February OW 100 Club draw will be held at The Bell Hotel in Thetford on Wednesday 26th February at 7.30pm

Take care all.

Phil Robinson

OW 100 club administrator - Philrobinson55@btinternet.com


I have been made aware of a revitalised Facebook page recently renamed Wymondham College Alumni which has lots of interesting comments and reminicences:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1532014457127574

It's a Private Group so you might need to be approved by a current member.


Just a reminder that the The Chapel Project appeal was launched with the aim of preserving the last remaining Nissen hut at the college. The Old Wymondhamians have made a substantial donation to this cause although it doesn't show up on this running total page.


More details can be seen at here:- https://www.wymondhamcollege.org/404/news/post/41/the-chapel-project


If any of the above links do not work, please copy and paste into your browser.  Ed.



100 Club 2018 appeal

Blank Mandate





Would you like to buy a Wymondham College bespoke branded belt?

Please click on the image left to https://www.mybelt.co.uk/wyc

They have interchangeable buckles which can be custom made individually at no extra cost.

£5 to the College for every one sold.






February Update  



Don't forget to visit our new website:



New Old Wymondhamians Website has been launched


After an 18 month gestation and testing period, led by Chair and Vice Chair John Mewse and Nick Robinson, The Old Wymondhamians are pleased to advise all Wycol Alumni that the new dedicated OW website is now live¯. This is the formal announcement:- 

Announcing the launch of the brand new website for the Old Wymondhamians -  theoldwymondhamians.co.uk - A fabulous 'One Stop Shop' for you to reconnect with the College and everyone who has attended. Take a look at all the archive material on WC Remembered (can you find any photos you're in?) Join the 100 Club prize draw and help raise funds for College related causes and have a chance to win monthly cash prizes. Keep up to date with all the OW news and future events, and please add your details to the "Keep in Touch' page - we'll then add you to the OW database so we can keep you updated on all things Alumni related. Take a look - we'd love to hear your feedback!! 

This will be the focal point for all OW related news and we encourage you to register as soon as possible.  

This WCR front page will continue to add news items until the new site is well established.              

Please do continue to send in any items or photos which can be put onto WCRemembered as this website will continue to be updated so all heritage and archive material is held in one place.  

Take a look now and add your details to the database.  This is where you can find the new website: theoldwymondhamians.co.uk    



      100 Club Update

 Are you a 100 Club member?  Every month two prizes of £60 and one of £30 are awarded and twice a year, July and December, we have a STAR draw when three larger prizes are awarded, £500, £250 and £100.   

Phil has updated the information on the 100 Club, which can be found here.

To be in with a chance of winning why not join the OW 100 Club.  Please get in touch with Phil Robinson and he will guide you through the process or look at the new OW website above where you can join.                                    









For previous updates please click here.


College News


For the latest College news please visit their website - www.wymondhamcollege.org  



We would love to hear about any reunions being held, however small.  Let us know beforehand if you would like to encourage people to attend or send in a report afterwards so we are kept up to date about what's happening out there!  Photos always gratefully received too!


The WCRemembered web site is updated at the end of every month; see What's New for details.  If you use Internet Explorer (over 95% of you at the last count), there is a possibility that you may be seeing an old copy of this page from a previous visit.  Should you ever suspect this to be the case, press <CTRL> and <F5> together to force a 'refresh.'


If you attended Wymondham College as a student or member of staff, your membership of the Old Wymondhamians is automatic. 







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